
The Real You is Already Inside

It is said that the when the great Italian sculptor Michelangelo first saw a slab of marble, he saw the complete image of David trapped inside the marble block and decided to liberate him and thus created his masterpiece. The massive and impressive statue took two years of disciplined patience and intense passion to complete. Michelangelo’s great artistry was modestly stated as simply chipping away the parts of the marble that were not David! Michelangelo saw what others didn’t see. He saw life from the inside out. His unique intuitive revelation was a spark of genius, which had the energy to create something the world had never seen before.

Similarly, you are an Infinite being stuck inside a slab of solid ego, an alternate identity that you have developed because no one showed you how to just “be” you. Just as the Master sculptor Michelangelo chipped away what was not David, a spiritual Master chips away everything that is not the real you. The Master thus helps you reveal the radiant, glowing, glorious, powerful, compassionate, loving and intensely passionate being inside you. What you see of yourself is just the slab. The real you is waiting to be revealed. And the world around you will celebrate your awakening.

Are you ready to see your real YOU?
Are you ready to experience positive emotions that are so powerful they transform your life?
Are you ready to look in the mirror and see a new beautiful and enlightened you?

True Inner Mastery

Introductory Workshop
Sat April 23rd
9am to noon Pacific

This introductory workshop is a chance for you to change your life trajectory by transforming your past patterns at the core of your being. You’ll experience a taste of how the True Identity process works and why it’s a valuable tool for obtaining lasting benefits and a life of fulfillment and depth.

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No prior experience is required.


  • Learn how to release your past and become the person you were meant to be.
  • Discover the secrets to happiness and success.
  • Eliminate blocks to your personal and spiritual growth.
  • Attract what you need for an ultra-fulfilled life.
  • Experience the freedom to expand your consciousness.


Workshop Highlights
(online via Zoom)

This 3-hour workshop will take you on a journey toward a new and more expansive sense of self.  The powerful True Identity process is a proven technique for transformation that can lead to breakthroughs and permanently change the trajectory of your life. This one technique can transform the core of your being by healing past wounds that are causing you suffering and holding back your future potential.

Cost: $98
Just $49 for the first 12 registrations!

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Workshop Details

The workshop sequence of activities will include:

  • Introduction to the Science of Oneness and the possibilities for human potential
  • Introduction to True Identity breakthrough process
  • True Identity exercise
  • Short break
  • Opportunity for questions and individual guidance with Sri Poornaji


“After completing the True Identity technique, negative comments from others no longer affect my inner peace.”
Junie T.



Study with a Realized Master


This program is a rare opportunity to study with a realized Master who can accelerate your journey to fulfillment and realization through the Science of Oneness.

Portions of this workshop will be taught by True Inner Mastery teachers (Acharyas). Sri Poornaji will introduce the True Identity technique and will host the question and answer session, which often includes individual guidance for participants.

Learn more about Sri Poornaji here.

This way to an ultra-fulfilled life

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Online workshop via Zoom.